
In Romania, 62% of all deaths are attributed to behavioral risks, compared to the EU average of 44%, according to the “State of Health in the EU, Romania Country Health Profile 2019”, published by the European Commission. The leading factor that negatively impacts Romanian’s health is the diet, being responsible for 27% of deaths, compared to the EU average of 18%.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Romanians’ eating habits became even worse because of the lockdown and the health risks associated with leaving house to do the groceries.


MPR Agency and the University of Pharmacy and Medicine “Carol Davila” partnered to create NutriTerra, a virtual congress for doctors, nutritionists and pharmacists to share dietary knowledge and to work together to raise awareness about the health risks of bad nutrition.


Over 350 healthcare professionals took part to the live event

Over 5000 healthcare professionals watched the event recording

46 news stories were published about the event in national and international media

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