
More than 25.000 Romanians die prematurely because of polluted air. In the last decade, Bucharest has become one of the most polluted cities in Europe. At the same time, the maximum level of suspended particles accepted by law is being constantly exceeded.

In 2018, the European Commission sued Romania for failing to implement measures to reduce the air pollution in Bucharest.


In the summer of 2018, Philips and MPR Agency launched the Breathe Healthy campaign to inform Romanians about the quality of the air they breathe.

Together with Philips and Airly we created the first independent air quality monitoring network in Romania by placing 14 PM10 and PM2.5 sensors in Bucharest and the city of Ploiești.

In November 2018, the data from the independent air quality monitoring network was made freely accessible to the public and we published our first batch of data through a press release.

The original PR effort was followed by digital and outdoor campaigns which informed the public that indoor air can be 2-5 times more polluted than the air outside. The objective was to sell air purifiers that can help maintain indoor air quality.


62 news stories in the first 24 hours after the campaign launched

3.7 mil earned media impressions

1 mil unique users reached by the digital campaign

43,5 k landing page visits

10.1 k website leads

236% Philips air purifier sales increase vs. previous year

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